Friday, October 27, 2017

October 30- November 3

 Dear Bruin Nation,

It has been an amazing week here in Bruin Nation. Students and staff alike have been GAME ON! Our Lady Bruins were in the district championships.  We were runner up and the girls did fantastic! Our students and staff alike also showed their commitment to be DRUG FREE through participating in RRW Spirit days and a variety of contests including the door decorating contest! Every single teacher in
the 6th grade had their door decorated! Ms. Tepe's was the winner of the door decorating contest and Ms. Cornell's class came in second. 

Our 8th grade had a fantastic day at the JA Project Inspire field trip! They learned about local career opportunities and came back to school with a lot of swag! Thank you to our district College and Career Director, Lee Barger, and Ms. Watkins BMS 8th grade team lead, for organizing the trip for our students.  They did a fantastic job. 

BMS is collecting Box Tops to help support the great things going on here at BMS.  Please collect as many as you can and send them in with your students.  They will be included in the  House Competition for points.  So students could help their House earn points and their school receive much needed resources!  Please support BMS by collecting and turning in Box Tops for education.

Upcoming events:
Fall Festival November 10th- 5 pm -8 pm- 
--Please ask your student what items they are supposed to bring in for Homeroom Baskets!
Muffins with Mom November 20th 8:30 am

This week @ BMS
Dress Sharp Monday! (House Points)
Academic Testing and Quick Recall at Home
Boys Basketball play @ OKH 
Halloween Grams delivered during 7th period
Please be safe during Trick or Treating; LEAVE YOUR CANDY AT HOME! 
KYA Meeting until 4:15
8th Grade Grizzlies Bruin Bash
Boys Spirit Day after School $6- See Mr. Carnes/Mr. Hoagland
Academic Support&BMS Cafe 3 pm- 4:30 pm
BMS Spirit Gear Day! Wear your spirit wear (house points)

This week's student of the Week! 
6th Grade : Aimee Killen, Isacc Bleemel
7th Grade : Erin Dorton, Jordan Mabe
8th Grade : Alexis Smith, Jacob Sneed

As always, thank you for your support. Please feel free to contact us, we are here to assist you any way we can. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and BMS News Bytes. Visit the school's website often along with teacher's individual websites for updated information. 

Students remember to be Bold in Kindness, Courage and Excellent Work Ethic! Have a great weekend!