Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Gearing Up for 2017-2018

Good Afternoon,

We know summer is still in full swing and want everyone to enjoy themselves, keep reading and be safe.   We will be posting much information about the upcoming year via Facebook and the school website so please check often.  Don't forget the Chromebook Roll Out on July 27 all information is posted on our website. This will be an exciting year for students as they engage even more deeply in 21st Century Learning.

We have the school supply lists posted and wanted to let you know this year we are implementing a general student fee of $15.   In years past we have collected fees separately for things such as art, technology and individual projects this year we are combining those and fees for consumables within our Science/Project Lead the Way and S.T.E.M. courses (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) as well as other student programs.  All of these funds go directly to students to engage them in hands on, inquiry based learning.  We thank you for your understanding.  If for some reason you need this fee waived please feel free to contact the school or our FRYSC and we will assist you with this or anything else.

We are excited about the opportunities the BMS Bruins will have next year and are looking forward to an extraordinary year!

Please feel free to contact me at anytime.

Have a fantastic week!