Upcoming Events:
6th Grade Field Trip to Actors Theater to see A Christmas Carol December 7th- Please Dress Up for the Play!
Band Concert December 14th @ 7:00 p.m.
BMS Food Drive December 4th - 14th
This week @ BMS
Beta Induction @ 6:00 pm in BMS Cafe
Boys BBall @ St. James
KYA/KUNA Meeting until 4:15 pm
XC Banquet 5 p.m.-7 p.m.
School Wide Bruin Bash-
Criteria- Passing All Classes, No Unexcused Absences or unexcused sign in/sign outs, No Behavior Referrals-
As we stated at the beginning of the year, students must be in attendance even if they are in Study Hall in order to participate for the NEXT Bruin Bash. So even if they are going to be in a study hall this Friday please make every effort to have students at school. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
6th Grade Academic Team Showcase 8 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Congratulations to the following students for being the Students of the Week!!6th Grade: Clarissa Jones, Lucas Taylor
7th Grade: Aaron Castanon, Ariana Tuchscherer
8th Grade: Emma Sanders, Dalton Hodge
Unified Arts: Ryan Norbury -Lindsey Huggett -