Saturday, March 24, 2018

Updates, Information and Student Celebrations!

Dear BMS Community, 

Thank you for yet another great week here in Bruin Nation.  Thank you to the PTSA for doing the Spring Book Fair and for sponsoring the Cutest Pet Contest.  Congratulations to Emma Dennison and her dog Molly for winning 1st place and to Emily Todd and her dog Casey for winning 2nd place.  There were so many cute and wonderful pictures of pets, the PTSA wants to thank you for participating and let you know they raised about $400 for the local Animal Shelter.  Thank you again to all of our parents who are so dedicated to supporting BMS students and our local community!

Please know that as we enter the 4th quarter of the year there is a great deal going on here at BMS.  We have a vast amount of teaching and learning to do. It is important that students be at school.  Attendance has been a struggle all year with so much sickness going around.  Please help your students know the importance of washing hands, NOT drinking after each other, and covering their mouths and noses if they sneeze and or cough.  Hand sanitizer is in every classroom and we are hoping to keep the kids healthy for the rest of the year.  Attendance is important and we are teaching students that "showing up" is a necessary skill for the 21st century workforce! 

We have MAP assessments and KPREP testing coming up in April and May respectively. Both of these assessments are important to your child as it helps the school system to know how to best serve your student.  The information gathered from these assessments helps your student to be more successful as we use it to drive instruction and differentiate instruction based on students needs. It is also used as a piece of information as we develop student schedules.  Please let your student know to always do their best.  We believe perseverance and grit as well as excellent work ethic will take each member of Bruin Nation a very long way. 

Thank you for your continued support please keep reading for more information. 

Dress Sharp Monday! Spirit Day!
8th Grade DC Trip leave @ 5:00 am- check out the twitter hashtag #RedWhiteandBruins
Field trip to Paraquet Springs a small group of students- 
7th Grade Volleyball Tourney @ ZMS
Track Practice @ BC 5:00 pm-6:30 pm
Baseball Game @ 7:30 pm (Carriters) Jtown 4
7th Grade Volleyball Tourney @ZMS 
STLP Field Trip to STATE
Academic Support & BMS Cafe 3:00-4:30 pm
STEAM Team 3:00-4:15 PM
BETA Club to Nursing Home to spread a little cheer! 3:30-5:00 pm
7th Grade Volleyball Tourney @ ZMS
Track Practice @ BC 5:00-6:30 pm
Baseball @ 5:30 pm (Krammer) Jtown 3
Wear your BMS Gear For Spirit Day!
Report Cards go home with students! Please sign those and send those back by April 10th. 

Our Bruin Cubs! (6th Graders) won the house competition and will have a House Bruin Bash on Friday! Make sure you are here!  

K-Prep Testing May 17th-24th* 
Please help your student to do their best, the first step is to be there! Please avoid doctor appointments, dentist appointments etc during the morning on these dates. 

Mark your Calendar for 
May 14 for the BMS Spring Band Concert

May 30th- Renaissance Rally 
June 1   - 8th grade field trip to Cincinnati/ 6th and 7th grade Field DAY.
June 2   - 8th Grade Dance (Saturday)
June 6   - 8th Grade Practice for Promotion in the morning
             -8th grade challenge in the afternoon
June 7   - 8th Grade Promotion at 10:45 am in the BMS Gym.
               -7th Grade Field Trip- Louisville Sci Center 
               -6th Grade Field Trip-TBD

Students of the Week

 6th Grade Cubs: Taylor Huffman, Trevor Blevins
7th Grade Bears: Joseph Hardin, Alex Speed
8th Grade Grizzlies: Zoey Sharp, Jayson Mann
UA: Devin Fitzpatrick, Brook Keifer

As always, please let us know how we may be of assistance to you, we are always happy to help. Please add BMS News Bytes and the BMS School Website to your favorites, like us on Facebook,  follow us on Twitter, and Remind for the most current information.  Please visit the school website and sign up for texts and emails through Infinite Campus Parent Portal.  Please check out team monthly Newsletters, and weekly updates on BMS Class Highlights as well as teacher websites to stay informed.   
Thank you for allowing us to serve you and your students.  

HAVE A GREAT SPRING BREAK! Be Safe! See you April 10th!
