Saturday, April 22, 2023

4/24-4/28| BMS Newsbytes: News, Updates and Celebrations

 Dear Bernheim Community,

What a great week in Bruin Nation.  BMS CEO’s, our student principal’s advisory group, organized and facilitated the 5th grade transition event on Tuesday.  Approximately 40 students grades 6-8 all worked together to create a wonderful experience for incoming students! We couldn’t be more proud of the leadership students.  

We also welcomed Bruin families to BMS on Thursday for our Title 1 Student Showcase/Student Led Conferences.  We had a great turnout for the event and are so proud of all our students who completed their portfolios and shared them beautifully with their families! We ate, listened to music and gave away Bruin Spirit gear! Thank you for participating and we look forward to seeing everyone next time. 


Grizzlies are headed to Kentucky Kingdom, Bears the Parklands and Cubs the Zoo! Field trip forms will be sent home on Monday! Please be looking for those!  Students must be eligible to go by being free of referrals for the 4th quarter and passing all classes  for the year to be able to attend.  


It is that time of year.  We need all families to complete the ONLINE REGISTRATION.  The goal is to have all families returning to BCPS completed by the end of the school year. BCPS asks all parents and guardians to understand that student schedules will not be released for the 23-24 school year if a student is missing a school physical, birth certificate, or does not have updated immunization certificates on file with BCPS schools. Please be certain all documents are on file and that your registration is processed ASAP. You may send those documents to school and have your student give them to Stephanie Dillman.   Thank you in advance!   


Student Dress Code for the dance has been distributed and was sent home to parents with the behavior contracts for students.  It is also in students' Grizzly 8th grade google classroom if your student needs to take another look at it.   The dance is always so much fun, and we want this year's Grizzlies to have a great time.  

6:30-9:00 pm
$10 Tickets ( sold during lunch May 1-4)


Please contact Jennifer Vittitoe with attendance questions at  or (502)869-4000. Any transportation changes need to be in the front office by 2:30 pm all late transportation notes must be sent to

You must call in to speak with someone and a written note will be required.  


We Need You! Please reach out to Ms. Dillman and share with her your interest in being a PTSA parent for next school year! We love BMS families and we need you to help us make BMS the absolute best it can be for students.   Ms. Dillman will be happy to help get you started! 

Please join the BMS PTSA! Please contact Stephanie Dillman at (502) 869-4000 for any questions about volunteering at BMS. 


Kentucky KSA testing will begin May 10th and last through May 15th at BMS. It is crucial that your student is at school, and ready to do their best.   Starting May 4th students will leave their Chromebooks at school each day for the rest of the school year.  Please verify that your students have their Chromebook and their charger.  If they have broken or lost their charger they will need to purchase a new one.  Those are $26.00, that money can be turned into Ms. Karla Elliott in the mornings. This will help us be sure that all students have a charged chromebook for testing.  Lastly, please make every effort to schedule appointments around these dates.   

As always please email with any questions or counseling needs. 


Please  visit the BMS Class Highlights, teachers will be updating all the class goings on this week! (linked here)  You will find teachers' websites linked along with a brief update of what is going on in class.   Teachers have linked materials, resources and items they use in class.  The number one way to stay on top of your student's progress is through the infinite campus/parent portal. (log on page linked) We are here to support your student and family in any way we can, please feel free to reach out. 


Archery- Bernheim won again this past weekend with a score nearing their high for the season.  We have several individual winners as well.  Riley Dustin also competed in an individual only tournament in Georgetown called Top Shot.  She placed third in the state at that tournament which is an awesome result!  This weekend they will be competing at Bullitt East.

Baseball- The team went 1-1 this week in their games and they have two more games again this week.  Tuesday vs. Mt. Washington @7:45 and Thursday vs. Eastside @6:00.  All games will be played at the Mt. Washington Sports Park.  Good luck boys.  

Cheer- Cheerleaders continue to prepare for next season with some open gyms. Monday and Wednesday this week at BMS from 5:30-7:30

Track - The team continues to get better each week and continues practice this week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is a track meet.

Girls Basketball - The girls basketball team will have an open gym after school Wednesday until 5:00 for any lady interested in trying out for the team next season. 

April 26 Midterms go Home

May 1-4 8th Grade Dance Tickets on Sale During Lunch

May 4 Jr. Beta Induction 6:00pm

May 5th-OAKS DAY, No School

May 10-15th KSA Testing

May 16th NO SCHOOL

May 20th Grizzly 8th Grade Dance 6:30-9:00 pm (Saturday)

May 24th Ren Rally 

May 22 Grizzlies Field Trip to Kentucky Kingdom (Math and Science Day)

May 25  Spring Band Concert 6:30

May 26th 8TH Grade Promotion Practice- Be Here!

Bears and Cubs Field Trips (Parklands)

Grizzlies House Day (Louisville Zoo)

May 29 No School Memorial Day

May 30th 8th Grade Promotion @ BCHS at 6:00 pm (Doors open at 5:30pm)

May 31 Last Day of School -House Day 


  • ACADEMIC SUPPORT (ESS) 3:15-4:30

  • Archery 6:00-8:00pm

  • Cheer 5:30-7:30 (cafeteria)




  • Spirit Day! College and Career Gear!

  • Girls Basketball Open Gym 3:00-5:00 (must have KHSAA physical on file) 

  • Cheer 5:30-7:30


  • ACADEMIC SUPPORT (ESS) 3:15-4:30

  • Archery practice 6:00-8:00 pm


  • Spirit Day! Wear your BMS Gear! 

  • Archery practice 6:00-8:00 pm

Which House is Winning This week? BMS  has a house system that is based on students' year of graduation.  Each house can earn points based on areas that are linked to the Bruin Way.  Points are earned by the percentage of the house on the honor roll, free from referrals, attendance, school spirit, showing responsibility for yourself and others,  participation in community service, random acts of kindness, and more! 

      941       1021      895

Congratulations to our All Star Students of the Week 

Keep Being Amazing Bruin Nation!!!

We do our best to keep you informed! BMS News Bytes is our weekly newsletter, favorite this blog and the school website. BMS Class Highlights includes each teacher's snapshot about what's going on in class.  The school website has all forms, information, calendar updates and district information you might need. Individual teacher websites are extremely useful to both students and parents. It is important that you log into Parent Portal and choose the option to receive email and texts from the school.  Not only can you view your students grades, attendance and other information it is also a great communication tool to keep you connected.  Lastly, please follow us on social media including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  We also have @hentryclaytime  on Instagram to keep up with the antics of our school therapy dog. As you can see we want to make every effort to stay connected with families.  

Thank you again for providing us the opportunity to serve you and your students. 

#BruinBold #GoBruins! #bmsbebold