Friday, January 19, 2018

Jan 22- Jan 26

Dear BMS Community,

We were so glad to see your children today! Bruin Nation was GAME ON! Teachers were here and ready to get students back in the routine. Students were engaged in great learning activities and jumped right in!  6th Grade students are participating in the Courage to Care program which teaches students empathy and kindness. 7th grade students will be participating in the Leadership Conference on Monday, this is a fantastic program giving students the opportunity to learn specific leadership skills. 

Thursday the 8th grade students will visit the ROC and then BCHS on Jan 30. They will visit BCHS to discuss scheduling for next year. Permission slips went home today! (linked here) Students must have this turned in to go! Please make sure we have this by 1/23/18. On Jan 31 @ 6:00 pm there will be a parent meeting at BCHS to provide information about transitioning to high school and scheduling for 8th grade students! 

Since we had such a long snow break this week- the last day of school is now JUNE 4th.  DISTRICT CALENDAR IS LINKED HERE

Please see below for IMPORTANT INFORMATION from BMS. 

This Week @ BMS
7th Grade Leadership Conference
Beta Practice 3:00-4:45 pm
Beta Practice 3:00-4:45
KUNA 3:00-4:15 pm
Beta Practice 3:00-4:45 pm
Academic Support and BMS Cafe 3:00 pm- 4:30 pm
Renaissance Rally January 26
SPIRIT DAY- Wear your USA Gear! All things Pro U.S. to celebrate the Renaissance Rally theme GO FOR GOLD!

Upcoming Events @ BMS
Renaissance Rally was supposed to be 1/19 was changed to 1/26! Kids are excited it is going to be a great day!!
Students who qualify will be Gold Winners, (All A's) Silver Winners (A's and B's) Bronze Winners (A's,B's and 1 C or Perfect Attendance) -students must be free from major behavior events and have no more than 3 unexcused absences for the year to qualify.  Grades and behavior are taken from the second nine weeks only.  It is going to be a great day celebrating students who consistently show the Bruin Way- and at the end of the day all students will get to participate in the assembly. 

8th Grade Important Information
January 25 --8th Grade Visit to ATC/BAMS/ROC from 11:30- 1:00 pm
January 30--8th Grade Visit to BCHS for scheduling information and High School tour.  9:00-11:00 am--There is ONE permission slip covering both dates,(click here) That went home Friday Jan 19! 
January 31- Parents are invited to Bullitt Central High School for an informational meeting regarding high school scheduling 6:00 p.m. Jan 31. 

7th Grade Bears ONLY Bash! January 25th! Be here! 

                 Student Celebrations

Students of the Week
6th Grade Cubs: Juan Gutierrez, Candy Bischoff
7th Grade Bears: Logan Murphy, Haley Raines
8th Grade Grizzlies: Alexis Fix, Hunter Smith
UA: Austin Rock & Audrey Lundy

As always, please let us know how we may be of assistance to you, we are always happy to help. Please add BMS News Bytes and the BMS School Website to your favorites, like us on Facebook,  follow us on Twitter, and Remind for the most current information.  Please visit the school website and sign up for texts and emails through Infinite Campus Parent Portal.  Please check out team monthly Newsletters, and weekly updates on BMS Class Highlights as well as teacher websites to stay informed.   

Thank you for allowing us to serve you and your students.