Friday, March 24, 2017


Dear BMS Community,

BMS is "Game On" the students are working extremely hard in all of their classes.  We know that the end of the year can be very stressful, but just today I have seen students showing true grit as they persevere through difficult tasks in their Language Art's classes, sixth graders were citing sources and using text material to support their claims. Eighth graders were working on high school level work in math class and intentionally activating their schema to work through problems with which they were unfamiliar.  Seventh grade students are thinking deeply about real world events and how they link to literary elements and how stories are told and written. In math class seventh grade students are learning probability through the roll of the dice, and it's not as easy as they first thought!

Many of our 8th grade students will be on the Washington D.C. trip next week and I know you will miss them, however they are going to have a fantastic time and have so many wonderful learning opportunities.  If you have any questions please contact Ms. April Watkins, the trip organizer and all around fantastic team leader!

There are many activities coming up in April and May, please BE SURE TO READ GRADE LEVEL NEWSLETTERS so that you remain informed and up to date on the "goings-on" of your student's team.

Next week will be an important week for the students here at BMS.  Spring MAP testing continues these assessments are extremely important to them as they are used to help meet students' needs. Please help us by making sure they are at school and reinforcing that they should do their best on EVERYTHING they do!

This year we have been encouraging students to BE BOLD in Kindness, Courage and Excellent Work Ethic.  Please help us continue to instill this in BMS students as we are looking forward to watching them grow in all areas!

I will not be sending a BMS News Byte next week as I will be on the road back from DC.  So I want to give you my best wishes for spring break now. Please take some much needed time with your families over Spring Break. Go hiking, read a book, collect rocks, skip rocks, sing songs or just do something fun with the kids over the break.  I know I say this at every break, but knowing how busy these 'tween' years are it is always good to be reminded to stop and enjoy them because they will be grown up before you know it!! Spring Break is from April 3-April 7th.

Next Week Important Information:
Bottom Portion of Report Card to be returned to Homeroom Teacher
Reading Cafe 3-430
Academic Support 3-5
Mission Math 3-430
Bruin Bash! The criteria is: 1. No referrals in March 2. No unexcused absences in March!Get your notes in!
3. No missing assignments 4th quarter and NO Failing Grades

Upcoming Event from Youth Service Center

Quality Care for Kids will be at BMS on Wednesday, April 12 to do hearing and vision screenings with our students.   Any student who returns the purple form that you received this week will have a vision and hearing screening. Any students with insurance will receive a full exam.  Students without insurance will receive a screening.  Those that do not pass the screening are provided a full exam.  Your insurance WILL be billed.  You WILL NOT be billed for the balance.    Students need to turn in their forms  by Monday, April 10 to receive the service. 

If you have any questions, or would like the form scanned or emailed to you, you may contact Tara Davis at 859-5412 or by email at

As always, thank you for sharing your student with us and for your support as we help them to grow.   Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, BMS News Bytes, eNews and the school's website.  If you need anything at all please feel free to call the school or email me at Thank you again for your support, have a safe weekend, a great week next week and a wonderful Spring Break the following week.  