Friday, April 21, 2017

April 21st Updates

Dear BMS Families,

We hope everyone has had a wonderful week.  We know students have been working hard and we are extremely proud of what they are accomplishing. This week I had the privilege of listening to our 6th grade students in ELA class make some powerful and deep connections to the text they were reading.  Math students are learning about probability in 7th grade and completing probability experiments.  In art class there are wonderful clay sculptures being created with great imagination! Students are doing a fantastic job!  Students are making gains every day here at BMS; please help encourage your student to stay focused and finish the year strong!

Congratulations to our VIP Poster Contest winners!! These students are leading by example in many ways.  We are very proud of these students for being accepted as part of the VIP Program. Each of the following students will be highlighted on their own posters which will be displayed all around the county.
Avery Lee
Emma Maddox
Ella Moore
Ian Rock 
Congratulations to the following students who will also be recognized as VIP poster contest winners and be on a group poster which will be displayed all around the county.
Ernest Walls
Isabelle Hart
Alexis Hodgkins
John Stillwell


Please remember SBDM parent nomination  forms are due to the front office no later than 3:00 pm on April 28th.

KPREP TESTING is May 10, 11, 12, 15 and 16.  Please make every attempt to have students at school during these dates. We appreciate your support and know BMS students are going to do a fantastic job, they have been working hard all year long! 

Exciting News for BCPS Middle School students:
Access 24 Chromebook Announcement
On July 27th 2017, Bernheim Middle staff will be distributing Chromebooks to all registered 6th through 8th grade students, from 10 AM - 7 PM in the Bullitt Central High School gym. In order to be issued a Chromebook, students and a parent or guardian will need to bring the $35 Access 24 technology fee in either check or cash and parent identification. (You are encouraged to come early in the day to avoid more crowded times in the late afternoon / evening.) Consistent with Board policy 09.15, no child shall be denied full participation in any educational program due to an inability to pay for, or rent, necessary instructional resources. Please contact us prior to the launch date if you have questions about the ability to pay this leasing fee.

Prior to attending the Chromebook launch for our school, please read and review the Bullitt County T.R.U.E. (Technology Responsible Use Expectations) - click here.  This document will explain user agreement terms, expectations, and responsibilities. Remember that the Chromebooks are still the property of the District and their contents may be viewed at any time. Students are expected to have their Chromebooks with them each day, fully charged, and ready for use. Access to these resources is permitted when exercised in an appropriate and responsible manner as required by this policy and related procedures, which applies to all parties who use District technology.

What's coming up?

  • Reading Cafe 3:00 pm-4:30pm

  • 8th grade visits to BCHS 9am-10:30 am
  • 6th Grade Field Trip --Students will return around 4:30 p.m. please be sure to have rides here on time.

  • Secretaries day!

  • Career Day - 8th grade-9:00 am-11:30 am
  • Mission Math 3:00 pm-4:30 pm
  • Academic Support 3:00pm -5:00 pm
  • District Reading Fair @ HMS

  • 7th period - Ice cream social for students who earned a Proficient or a Distinguished on KPREP last year
  • Bruin Bash
  • Home-Run Derby after school


May 20th-8th grade dance - PTSA will be sending out more information on that soon. 
May 22nd-8th grade Challenge
May 23rd- 6th and 7th grade field day- 8th grade field trip 
May 24th- Renaissance Rally
May 25th -8th grade promotion is @ 11:00 am / 6th and 7th grade field trips 

As always, we thank you for your continued support. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, eNews, BMS News Bytes and the school website. For team specific information make sure to check grade level newsletters. If ever I may be of assistance please feel free to call 502-869-4000 or email me at

Thank you again,