We have had a great week here in Bruin Nation! Students are working very hard across the board as are their teachers. This generation is certainly the most tech savvy group of kids yet. They are doing great work and persevering through difficult material on a daily basis. It is amazing to watch everyone at BMS grow in our 21st Century Skills.
Thank you to our PTSA for celebrating our students on Wednesday September 21st with special treats!
We are having our first Bruin Bash of the year this upcoming Friday, SEPTEMBER 29TH. The criteria this time is as follows:
--Students must be passing all classes, be free from behavior referrals and clear of unexcused absences for the month of September. If you are unsure of grades or attendance, please take a minute to check Infinite Campus.
--All class work must be turned into your teachers by Tuesday at 3:00 pm. All absent notes must be turned into the office by Tuesday 8:00 am.
--Please remind students who will be in study hall that they must be here on Friday to get to participate in the NEXT Bruin Bash. We appreciate your cooperation with this matter.
--Please check Parent Portal frequently for grade, behavior and attendance information.
--Please remember the car rider line in the MORNING is ONE LINE ONLY again- pull all the way up to the front so we can get cars off the road and buses into school. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
--Please double check that students have their Chromebooks and that they are charging them over night.
--Please help students understand they must be in their 1st period class by 8:00 a.m. or they are considered tardy- some are coming in the door at 8:00 am. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
--FALL BREAK FROM OCTOBER 2-OCTOBER 6, School will resume for your student on October 10th.
Upcoming Events:
Save the Date: OCTOBER 17th 5:30-7:30 --
Be a Bruin Night (Title I literacy Night) Food & Students Leading Learning Activity for their Parents! Come celebrate learning!!
Save the Dates: October 16-October 20
PTSA BMS Book Fair in the Lyceum!
Save the Date: NOVEMBER 10th 5:00- 8:00 pm
The Annual BMS PTSA FALL FESTIVAL & Auction.
This week @ BMS
Girls Basketball @ ZMS
Girls Basketball @ HMS
All attendance notes must be in by 8:00 am to attend Bruin Bash on Friday
All homework must be turned in by 3:00 pm to attend Bruin Bash on Friday
-Criteria for Bruin Bash are listed above in the opening paragraphs.
Beta Leadership Summit
KYA until 4:15
Beta Leadership Summit
Academic Support from 3 pm - 4 pm
Spirit Wear Friday
Student Celebrations:
Congratulations to the following Students of the Week:
6th Grade: Jane Lyons, Grayson Reichert
7th Grade: Erin Lasley, Ryan Short
8th Grade: Zach Schofner, Angel Byrd
Congratulations to all of the Bruins who have received a Be Bold Card this year! They received the Be Bold card when an adult witnessed them going over and above in Kindness, Courage or Excellent Work Ethic. Each month there is a drawing for a gift card among the students who won a Be Bold Card.
6th Grade Be Bold Winners |
7th Grade Be Bold Winners |
8th Grade Be Bold Winners |