Thursday, October 5, 2017

October 10-October 13--Congrats Bruin Nation

 Dear Bruin Nation,
We hope you all are having a wonderful fall break and are enjoying some quality time with your children.  KPREP scores were released on September 28th and Bruin Nation made significant academic gains.  We are very proud of our students and our teachers who helped to lead Bernheim Middle School to those gains.  BMS is truly Distinguished by Excellence!! We will all continue to work hard and support every student, every day as they continue to grow in all areas.  
Save the Date: OCTOBER 17th  5:30-7:30  --
Be a Bruin Night (Title I literacy Night) Food & Students Leading Learning Activity for their Parents! Come celebrate Learning!! 

--We would love to have you come and enjoy a meal with us and then spend time getting to know your child's school.  There is no charge,  it is our way of saying thank you to our families! Come and enjoy!
--Students will lead you and others through some of their favorite lessons. Students are excited about what they are learning this year and eager to share it with you.
--We will also be having the PTSA Book fair set up in the library -BMS Lyceum that evening-With Coffee and Cookies- 

    We hope to see EVERYONE there!! It is going to be a great night!

    Save the Dates: October 16-October 20
    PTSA BMS Book Fair in the Lyceum! 
    We are encouraging our students to read at every chance they get! Purchasing books from Scholatic is an easy way to provide for your students' reading adventure and to help support the school.

    Save the Date: NOVEMBER 10th  5:00- 8:00 pm 
    The Annual BMS PTSA FALL FESTIVAL & Auction. 
    Please come support BMS and your student, as well as simply have a great time! There will be games, local crafts, food, and much much more! Please come have a great night celebrating our community with your student.
    The auction will be fantastic this year, we have River Rafting tickets, Mega-Cavern tickets and Disney World Tickets to auction off and much much more. 

    This Week @ BMS
    Teacher Planning Day- No School for Students
    Girls Basketball @ MWMS
    Boys Basketball @ HOME 
    KYA meeting till 4:15
    STEAM meeting till 4:15
    Girls Basketball @ Home Vs. Boston
    Girls Basketball vs BLMS @ Home
    Boys Basketball Away @ ZMS
    Academic Support until 4:00pm
    Hat Day $1 to raise money for the National Kidney Foundation
    End of Quarter 1

    Student Celebrations:

    Congratulations to the Students of the week for 
    October 10- October 13
    6th Grade: Lauren Graves,  Landen Wicker
    7th Grade: Caleb Bush, Alexis Cissell
    8th Grade: Ava Urwin, Nick Bishop

    As always, thank you for your support. Please feel free to contact us, we are here to assist you any way we can. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and BMS News Bytes. Visit the school's website often along with teacher's individual websites for updated information. 

    Thank you again we look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday. 

    Most Sincerely,

    Katie Stephens