Thursday, July 19, 2018

Bruin Nation is Gearing Up! 2018-2019

Dear Bruin Nation,

The start of school is right around the corner and we are excited and ready to have the Bruins back
in the House!  

We have a few events planned to help families transition back to school.  On July 31st between
12:00 pm and 3:00 pm staff will be visiting the homes of incoming 6th grade students as well as any
new 7th or 8th grade student to the building.  We hope we catch you at home so we can say hello
to you and the students and help the students make some great connections with teachers
and staff prior to the start of the year.  
The BMS 6th grade students have four opportunities to attend 6th grade orientation.  
We created multiple sessions to provide parents options of time and date according to what works
best for their schedule.  This is optional for students and is intended to help students make connections
and become familiar with BMS.  If they can be there that is great, it is for students only, parents
can drop them off or send them with a friend.  If they come to one session they do not need to
attend any of the other sessions. It is a fun couple of hours and will help ease some pre-middle
school anxiety. The available dates for 6th grade orientation are: July 26th or August 2nd.  
Session times are 9:00am-11:00am or 1:00 pm-3:00 pm.  No need to sign up, simply come at
the time that works for you and drop them off and we will be ready for them!

All students are invited to come to Back To School Night (BTSN) on July 31st from 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
to meet their teachers, connect with their friends, learn about school clubs and teams, turn in immunization
forms and get their schedules.  If you are unable to join us for BTSN your student’s schedule will be
available through parent portal on August 1st.

We will be having our first ever BMS Chromebook Rollout.  We have scheduled two different sessions to
accommodate parent schedules.  Sessions are scheduled for August 1st , 8:00 am-11:00 am and a second
session in the evening from 4:30 pm-7:30 pm.  We know everyone is terribly busy and wanted to create the
best schedule possible to accommodate everyone.    If you are unable to attend the Chromebook Rollout on August 1st that is okay as we will facilitate a second Chromebook distribution for those unable to attend the Rollout a couple of weeks after school starts.  If you have any questions please let us know or feel free to contact Ms. Harrison (

BMS teachers and staff are ready to begin a new adventure with Brun Nation this year and we
can’t wait to get started! Thank you for sharing your students with us and we are ready for
an EXTRAORDINARY year! We are Game On!

Please keep reading for:
We hope you are all as ready a we are for school to start; part of that is having immunizations up to date.
Please see the message below, which is also on the BMS website. Thank you to all who have completed
the process for immunizations we still have approximately 90 students who need to complete this prior
to the start of school.
The Kentucky Immunization program states that children must have Hepatitis A immunizations prior
to the start of 2018-2019 school year. The Hepatitis A vaccine requires two shots, students are considered
current if they have had the first shot within the last 6 months. Once that certificate expires then your
child is MUST get the second shot.  The Commonwealth of KY is requiring this immunization to be current
to attend school. This is AN URGENT MATTER.  
Someone will be at the school Monday through Thursday next week, July 23-July 27 from 8:00-12:00 to
accept these forms and answer questions. Beginning July 30th the school will be open
Monday through Friday from 8:00-3:00 to accept the forms. It is imperative that these get turned
in as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Stephanie Dillman at
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

We are looking forward to a great year! BMS NewsBytes, Facebook, Twitter and our school website are the best resources to keep up with what is going on at BMS.  This blog is regularly updated and is a great way to keep you informed, please favorite it to your desktop.  
Thank you or sharing your students with us we are so excited to begin!