Mr. McCamish |
Ms. Gray, Ms. Perdue |
We have several new faces this year. Ms. Angie Gray (6th Grade) ,Ms. Mackenzie Perdue (7th Grade) , Mr. Dominic McCamish (8th Grade) , Mr. Allan Leith ( 7th and 8th grades) and Ms. Katelyn Gullett (6th, 7th, 8th Instructional Tutor) and they are all thrilled to be a part of BRUIN NATION. Each have been working to build an exceptional learning environment for your student and are ready to begin! We are so pleased to have them on board!
One-to-one technology is a real world, 21st Century tool for students to learn how to engage in the world around them. Students are to make sure their Chromebook is charged nightly and make sure it is at school every day. When they don't have their Chromebook it could impede their ability to participate fully in the instructional opportunities in class.
Please remind students that it is necessary to take care of these devices as it is expensive to repair and students end up missing out on some instructional opportunities while their Chromebook is in the 'Chromebook Shop' being repaired. We strongly recommend purchasing a protective shell for the Chromebooks, much like a case for their cell phones it makes a big difference in the life-span of the device.
Students will receive a registration form as well as a folder with all of the Back To School forms, information, paperwork, and notice of school fees to be returned to school by Friday. Teachers will distribute lockers when all items have been collected. Please help them speed up this process by being quick to send back the required items.
Thank YOU to to our PTSA and our PTSA President Ms. Angela Harper for making BMS a wonderful engaging place for families! Ms. Harper has been an active member of the PTSA for over a year at BMS and this year became president. She has already organized a great group of parents that have been highly engaged in helping BRUIN NATION be game on! BMS PTSA is always looking for enthusiastic parents to be part of the PTSA, if you are interested please contact Ms. Harper at .
Thank you to Crystal Tomlinson, Nikki Cavote and Linda Hester for helping with our collection and distribution of Chromebooks. Also thank you to Angela Harper, Kathy Clark, Crystal Tomlinson, Nikki Cavote for serving as PTSA officers this school year. We are excited and can't wait to see the great things they will do this year.
Time is running out!!! Your Student MUST have the Hep A vaccine prior to the start of school. You can email or fax them into school tomorrow or you can send the immunization record with your student on the first day of school. BMS still has 42 students without the proper immunization record. Please get this taken care of immediately as it is a law in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Please make sure your student has a great start to the year by taking care of this urgent matter.
We look forward to seeing everyone Wednesday!
Bruin Nation is Game On!