Saturday, January 12, 2019

January 14-January 18 Student Celebrations, Updates and Information

Dear BMS Community,
It has been a fantastic start back to the second semester.  Please read all the upcoming events, we have so many activities coming up for students and families we don't want anyone to miss out.  We want to remind students of the importance of setting goals, working hard and living life with intention.  Please help us continue to support your student in these ways.  Attendance is extremely important to a student's success.  The flu is working it's way through our community and we are emphasizing that students practice healthy habits to avoid getting and spreading the sickness. We are using extra precautions at school so that students can stay healthy.  

MAP testing is coming up and each student is in the process of setting goals for success.  MAP scores are important to each student as the data is used in making decisions for schedules and placement.  Please encourage students to continually do their best. 

What's a Parent To Do? 
We would like to invite you to join Dr. Stuart Eldridge on February 1, 2019 from 6:30-8:00 pm at Bullitt Central High School auditorium for an evening filled with support for parents of middle school aged children.  Please register at
See Attached flyer 

Attendance Matters: 
Be Here! Show Up! It matters! Here in Bruin Nation we are instilling in students the importance of having excellent work ethic.  Part of having excellent work ethic is showing up to "work".  

Stay safe from the flu! Cover your mouth or nose when you cough or sneeze, wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer, drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest, don't share food or drink.  

Jan 15-Report Cards Go Home
Jan 17-18 Beta Convention
Jan 19- Academic Team Competition 
Jan 21-No School MLK Day
Jan 22-Donuts with Dad @ 8:30 am in Bernheim Cafe! 
Beta convention practice
Academic Team Practice 3:00-4:00 pm
Volleyball Practice 4:30-6:00 pm
REPORT Cards Go Home! 
Archery practice 5:00-7:00 pm
Academic Team Districts Written Comp and FPS 
Vision/Hearing Screenings
PTSA meeting @ 4:00 pm
Academic Team Practice 3:00-4:30
Volleyball Practice 3:00-5:00
BMS Cafe 3:00-4:30
Archery 5:00-7:00 pm
Beta Convention
Beta Convention
Jan 19, District Academic Team Competition

Birthday Bruin Team Celebrating Students Birthdays
We are proud to announce the BMS Leaders of the Month.  We are so proud of these young people and how they pursue excellence, strive to overcome obstacles and remain focused on success.  

Bruin Nation Leaders of the Month-December 2018

December Leaders of the Month
Natalie Norris,Austin Coomes- Cubs (6th)
Ammie Killen, Austin Rock-Bears (7th)
Layne Baker, Katlyn Gary (not pictured)- Grizzlies (8th)

Which House is Winning This week? 
Cubs House- All Stars-
Landon Nix, Lacyi Muccigrosso
Bears House-All Stars-
Logan Kreutzer, Fancy Robinson
Grizzlies House All Stars-
Aaron Castanon, Skyla Holloway

This wonderful group of students has been identified by their teachers as doing a fantastic job of living The Bruin Way- Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Here and Be Bold in Kindness, Courage and Excellent Work Ethic ! Go Bruins! Well Done, keep up the Great Work!

Keep Being Amazing Bruin Nation!!!!
As always please let us know how we may be of assistance to you, we
are always happy to help.  There are so many ways to keep up with what is going on at BMS.  BMS News Bytes is our weekly newsletter, please favorite this website.  The school website has all forms, information, calendar updates and district information along with links to individual teacher websites which are extremely useful to both students and parents. It is important that you log into Parent Portal and choose the option to receive email and texts from the school.  Not only can you view your students grades, attendance and other information it is also a great communication tool to keep you connected.  Lastly, please follow us on social media including Facebook, Twitter and Remind.  As you can see we want to make every effort to stay connected with families.  
Thank you again for providing us the opportunity to serve you and your student. 
#WeAreBernheim, Go Bruins!