Friday, January 3, 2020

Jan 6th THERE IS SCHOOL! Jan 6-Jan 10 News, Updates and Celebrations!

Dear Bernheim Community, 

What a busy and wonderful week we had before break! Students were working very hard on the CASE Assessment.  This assessment is a standards based assessment that has replaced the skill based assessment, MAP test.  This is used to determine student opportunities and help place them in the appropriate courses over time.   The hope is we will be sending home results from this assessment with report cards. We will also be sending home reports for all students who are in a reading or math strategies courses.  The goal is to communicate with parents/guardians the growth your student is experiencing so that together we can continue to support your student's success.

We were so proud of the students' ability to have fun and work hard during the last week prior to break and the last week of the second semester.  Students were doing experiments in MATH class, creating excellent earthenware in ART class and working through challenging reading and writing assignments in ELA courses, all the while in PJ's, dressed us Cousin Eddie, or in Elf costumes.  We have fantastic students here at BMS and we are so grateful for the opportunity to serve them! 

The second semester brings the opportunity to be even more successful than the first! Students will have one more round of CASE testing in the SPRING and then the "Big Kahuna" test,KPREP. It is right around the corner! Please help us help students by constantly reinforcing the BRUIN WAY- We can't wait to see the great things your students will do! 


2019-2020 yearbook can be purchased ONLINE ONLY through January 31, 2020 for $18.00.  We will have a limited quantity for sale in May ($20) so guarantee your yearbook by visiting the Jostens website.
Please follow the link to the BMS Class Highlights. (linked) You may also checkout teachers individual websites which are linked to the Bernheim Middle School website and on BMS Class Highlights. (linkedTeachers each have unit plans, resources and links to items used in class.  Lastly, the number one way to stay on top of your student's progress is through infinite campus/parent portal. (log on page linked) We are here to support your student and family in any way we can, please feel free to reach out. 


January 6 -SCHOOL IS IN SESSION- *See BCPS calendar change on district website. 
January 14- Bullitt Day- Teacher Meetings- 
NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS*- Election Day for Bullitt County. 
January 18- Governor's Cup Academic Team Competition 
January 20- NO SCHOOL MLK Jr. Day. 
January 23&24- BETA Convention
Boys Basketball 3:00-5:00
Boys Basketball Tournament here at BMS 5:30 
Boys Basketball vs Whitfield

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Hawaiian Shirt Day
Volleyball 3:00-4:30
Boys Basketball Vs Spenser Co. 


Grizzlies WON the House Competition for the 2nd NINE Weeks! Congratulations!! 
Cubs House- All Stars-
Lillian Sarles & Cooper Huckabee
Bears House-All Stars-
Katilyn Frasher & Caleb Bleemel
Grizzlies House All Stars-
Michelle Collins, Trey Arnold
This wonderful group of students has been recognized for doing a fantastic job of living The Bruin Way- Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Here and Be Bold in Kindness, Courage and Excellent Work ethic!
Go Bruins! Well Done, keep up the Great Work!
Keep Being Amazing Bruin Nation!!!
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As always we are always happy to help in any way we can. There are so many ways to keep up with what is going on at BMS.  BMS News Bytes is our weekly newsletter, please favorite this website. BMS Class Highlights is each teacher's snapshot about what's going on in class.  The school website has all forms, information, calendar updates and district information along with links to individual teacher websites which are extremely useful to both students and parents. It is important that you log into Parent Portal and choose the option to receive email and texts from the school.  Not only can you view your students grades, attendance and other information it is also a great communication tool to keep you connected.  Lastly, please follow us on social media including Facebook, Twitter and Remind. We also have @hentryclaytime  on Instagram to keep up with the antics of our school therapy dog. As you can see we want to make every effort to stay connected with families.  
Thank you again for providing us the opportunity to serve you and your student. 
#BernheimStrong Go Bruins! 

Ms. Smith came to visit! We were so happy to see her!