Saturday, February 22, 2020

Feb 24-Feb 29: News, Updates and Student Celebrations

Dear Bernheim Community, 
This Crew played a GREAT game!
Thank you to Todd Harper and Beth Johnson for being referees
Thank you to all the CATS and CARDS enthusiasts! 
What a great week! Ice Cream Parties to CELEBRATE Reading and our big UK/UL game to support the American Heart Association! It was a house divided! Half the school was sporting Blue for UK and the other half had on their Red for U of L.  It was a tough game and a hard loss for UK.  All in all the school brought in over $1000 for the American Heart Association with in the end is what it was all about.  

Ms. Elliott our LMS and Ms. Tepe our Instructional Coach went to Ms. Burress's 4th period and to Ms. Gray's 4th period and CELEBRATED their reading success with them.  Those students had an ice cream party and the next step is a pizza party! Keep on READING!! Students and staffulty alike had a great week and are looking forward to doing great things next week too! 


Q: How do I find out what my student is doing in their classes? 
Answer 1: Each teacher updates their weekly news/updates and what is going
on in class on BMS Class Highlights- The document is linked to this Website at the top and here. 
Answer 2: Teachers each have a website that includes their daily lesson plans complete with links to documents, videos, assignments and resources. These websites are linked to the BMS school website under "Faculty Staff Directory --> email/webpages, and here as well. 
Q: How do I keep up with my student's progress in all their classes? 
Answer: The number one way to keep up with your student's progress is to be
linked to infinite campus/parent portal- (log on page linked) You can set it up to send notifications directly to your phone.  Email teachers if you have questions they are always happy to help. 

We are here to support your student and family in any way we can, please feel free to reach out. 

February 24- SBDM @ 4:00 
February 25- K-PREP Student Survey - Please Be HERE! 
March 5th-  Bruin Bash- Eligibility: EXCELLENT WORK ETHIC-- Passing all classes, Free from Office Referrals, Attendance in good standing. 

SBDM @4:00 pm
Volleyball 3:00-4:30
Archery 5:00-8:00
Baseball 3:00-4:30
Volleyball Game @ Home
Baseball 3:00-4:30
Archery 5:00-8:00
FCA at 7:40 am
Baseball 3:00-4:30
Volleyball Game (Away)

Boys Basketball 4:30-6:00

Which House is Winning This week?
Cubs House- All Stars-
Sarah Johnson & Anthony Eckoff
Bears House-All Stars-
Liana Martinez and Noah Hardin
Grizzlies House All Stars-
Evelyn Flaherty, Juan Gutierrez

This wonderful group of students has been recognized for doing a fantastic job of living The Bruin Way- Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Here and Be Bold in Kindness, Courage and Excellent Work ethic!
Go Bruins! Well Done, keep up the Great Work!
Keep Being Amazing Bruin Nation!!!
As always we are always happy to help in any way we can. There are so many ways to keep up with what is going on at BMS.  BMS News Bytes is our weekly newsletter, please favorite this website. BMS Class Highlights is each teacher's snapshot about what's going on in
class.  The school website has all forms, information, calendar updates and district information along with links to individual teacher websites which are extremely useful to both students and parents. It is important that you log into Parent Portal and choose the option to receive email and texts from the school.  Not only can you view your students grades, attendance and other information it is also a great communication tool to keep you connected.  Lastly, please follow us on social media including Facebook, Twitter and Remind. We also have @hentryclaytime  on Instagram to keep up with the antics of our school therapy dog. As you can see we want to make every effort to stay connected with families.  
Thank you again for providing us the opportunity to serve you and your student. 
#BernheimStrong Go Bruins!