Friday, March 27, 2020

UPDATE: Post Spring Break! NTI News and Celebrations!

Dear Bernheim Community,

I hope you all have enjoyed your spring break! I know social distancing has created a very clean house at the Stephens place, we have crafted and made new recipes, learned a few songs on the Ukulele (okay a few chords) but all in all it has been a much needed mental break as I hope it was for you all as well.  With that said we understand the current situation has been stressful for many so please reach out and let us know how we might be of assistance.  

As you have heard the Governor has extended the NTI School days through May 1, 2020.  We will continue to do our very best to help create positive learning experiences for your children.  As we learn information we will share what we know as soon as possible.  On that note, please continue to practice social distancing which means not allowing children to gather on playgrounds, or around basketball courts.  The goal is to keep everyone healthy.  Again, Tuesday April 7th students will resume their NTI school days! We look forward to 'seeing' everyone then! 

A Simple Thank You
I have to give a huge shout out to the teachers and staff of BMS.  They have truly taken the education world by storm and in under 24 hours they had completely flipped the classroom.  They have been doing everything they can to stay connected with students and continue to build relationships and let kids know they care.  I couldn't be more proud of the BMS Staffulty in these odd times.  On that note, I couldn't be more proud our our student body! We have over 96% of kids jumping in every day and doing what they need to do and then some! They are completing assignments joining class zoom lessons.  Asking questions, helping one another and they are giving parents, families, peers, and staffulty shoutouts, continuing to spread kindness. They are helping make the online learning environment a positive one. With that, our families have been outstanding as well, parents have been so supportive of the process and we have been a true school community.  Thank you all of Bruin Nation for being who you are!  

Staying Connected in an NTI World
After spring break teachers will be available again and the most effective way to reach a teacher is going to be through their Bullitt County email address which is linked to the school website.  April 7th school will be back in session even though the building is closed, school is happening!  Teachers are making frequent contacts with students and are responding to parent emails daily.  After spring break please take the time to reach out and email teachers if you have any questions. 

In addition to frequent contact with their teachers, students have been invited to Zoom classes with their teachers and are able to log on for virtual class time and receive help with their assignments. Google Classroom is the Learning Management System that Bullitt County uses and your students are familiar with how the platform works, just ask them, they will amaze you with all they know!   

Grades and Attendance
Students are receiving grades and 'attendance' is being counted through their participation in their classes.  So please, when we are back in session on April 7th, get them up and working, check to see if they are doing their work and submitting it.  Keep up with their grades through Parent Portal. (the process is the same now as it has always been)   The whole community has been outstanding and we want to keep up the high 'attendance' rates we have been showing.  Our first week was 98.6% for the week and Week 2 of NTI instruction was 96% for weekly attendance.  Our goal is to keep it up above 96%! Well done Bruin Nation

Keeping Up Traditions in a Virtual World
Teachers are doing everything they can to keep the students spirits up! The Bears and the Grizzlies have created a virtual talent show through the google classroom.  We have a Virtual Spirit week coming up as we have been announcing on morning announcements which have been posted in google classrooms and on Facebook.  Keep looking for the Birthday Bear to be popping up in Birthday Videos, Facebook posts and tweets on twitter and posts on instagram! The Connect 365 Team is still doing everything they can to make kids feel special on their Birthdays! Keep checking facebook for more antics from Bruin Nation as they continue to entertain us with their clever video posts. (Check out the Fire Drill and the Tornado Drill that have already been posted!)  We love and miss your kids and we can't wait to have them back here at school!

Keep On Shining
We are encouraging students to paint Kindness Rocks and bring them back to school upon their return.  The one posted here is already out in the front of BMS.  Let's fill up the whole front picnic area with colorful rocks passing along a message of kindness.   They can paint as many as they would like and send those pictures to Ms. Elliot.  ( We will gather those photos and post them on our social media.  Remember to bring them back to school when we return! We can't wait to see all the great things you are going to create.  On that note, be creative in anyway you can, Noah B, created terrariums and shared pictures; Lilly H made homemade sidewalk chalk and spread messages of joy.  Send us pictures and videos of the wonderful things you are doing to Be Creative, Be Kind and Keep on Shining! 

Keep in mind there are so many resources out there for our families.  The BCPS Food Service program delivered Bulk Packs of Breakfast/Lunch Combinations on Friday for the week of Spring Break. Check out .  If you or someone you know needs assistance over the break please let us know.  Please contact Ms. Tiffany Jenkins the BMS FRYSC Coordinator. 

Online Registration-Opens After Spring Break
After spring break the Online Registration process for next year will open up and parents will be able to get online and register their student for school next year.  I am sure our doors will be open in August and no doubt we are going to be so excited to have those kids back in the building!  Our office staff will begin touching base with families after spring break on that process.  

As this is new territory for all of us we are asking for Parent Feedback.  Please click the link below and complete this short questionnaire.  We will use this information to grow and improve the process, Parent Feedback form on BMS NTI Days.  

Which House is Winning This week?
Cubs House- All Stars-
Thomas Briles & Makayla Lotze
Bears House-All Stars-
Caroline Lindquist & Landon Smith
Grizzlies House All Stars-
Zack Quick & Belle Aubrey

This wonderful group of students has been recognized for doing a fantastic job of living The Bruin Way- Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Show Up and Be Bold in Kindness, Courage and Excellent Work ethic!

Go Bruins! Well Done!
Keep Being Amazing Bruin Nation!!!
 BMS News Bytes is our weekly newsletter, please favorite this blog and check it frequently. BMS Class Highlights contains each teacher's snapshot about what's going on in class.  The school website has all forms, information, calendar updates and district information along with links to individual teacher websites which are extremely useful to both students and parents. It is important that you log into Parent Portal and choose the option to receive email and texts from the school.  Not only can you view your students grades, attendance and other information it is also a great communication tool to keep you connected.  

Please follow us on social media including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We also have @hentryclaytime on Instagram to keep up with the antics of our school therapy dog. As you can see we want to make every effort to stay connected with families. 

In an effort to keep everyone healthy we ask that you enjoy your spring break while staying #HealthyatHome.  

We miss you and we hope to see you soon! Have a great Spring Break Bruin Nation! We will be back in touch April 7th! Stay healthy!