Saturday, March 7, 2020

March 9-March 13: Student News, Celebrations and Updates!

Dear Bernheim Community, 
Students have had a great week both inside and outside the classroom. We sent students to KUNA who did a fantastic job on their first run.  Caroline received a speaking award which was outstanding.  The students are eager to work on next year's topics.  We sent a group to Magna to learn how what they do in school applies to the business world.  The folks there were wonderful to the students and the students walked away with an understanding of how school and business are linked.  Our PTSA helped deliver the Toys gathered for Norton's Children's Hospital on behalf of our own Skylar Harrall.  He states he wants to double the donations for next year.  This year we donated 512 toys! Grizzly students are raising money to support the honor flight of at least one veteran, again BMS students paying it forward! Go Bruins! 

Students inside our classrooms have been doing great things as well. Cubs social students classes are learning about the Persians and the Greeks and are having mock trials regarding the main points.  Science students are learning how genes and DNA can be used in research and ELA students are writing argumentative pieces.  Math classes are working through graphing and understanding how math is a language.  Band students are preparing for KMEA which is coming up. 

On Thursday we had a Bruin Bash and 67% of the students were eligible to attend.  We hope to see those numbers increased by the next Bruin Bash.  Several students missed due to lack of attendance notes.  Please make sure your student has either a doctor's note or a parent note upon returning from an absence.  All absence notes need to be turned in within 5 days of being absent.   We can no longer enter them after those 5 days. 

The end of the 3rd nine weeks is Monday. Report cards will go home on March 18th, please keep on top of student grades through infinite campus. 

Please see Mr. Bacon's letter regarding COVID-19 (LINKED HERE) 

Thank you to STLP, Mr. McCamish and Ms. Amiott for BMS Sport Center and News! 
Please follow the link to see the latest! 
Q: How do I find out what my student is doing in their classes? 
Answer 1: Each teacher updates their weekly news/updates and what is going on in class on BMS Class Highlights- The document is linked to this Website at the top and here. 
Answer 2: Teachers each have a website that includes their daily lesson plans complete with links to documents, videos, assignments and resources. These websites are linked to the BMS school website under "Faculty Staff Directory --> email/webpages, and here as well. 
Q: How do I keep up with my student's progress in all their classes? 
Answer: The number one way to keep up with your student's progress is to be linked to infinite campus/parent portal- (log on page linked) You can set it up to send notifications directly to your phone.  Email teachers if you have questions they are always happy to help. We are here to support your student and family in any way we can, please feel free to reach out. 


March 9- Quarter 3 Ends
March 16-March 20- CASE Testing Please make sure your student is at school.
MARCH 18-  Quarter 3 Report Cards Go Home
March 23- March 27 - DC Trip for Civics Club 
March 30-April 3-Spring Break
April 6- No School Bullitt Day
April 14- BMS C.E.O. Conference
April 21- Band Concert with STUDENT SHOWCASE (Student Led Conferences) 
April 23- KPREP ICE CREAM Party
April 24- Bruin Bash
April 27- SBDM @ 4:00 pm
May 11- SBDM @ 4:00 pm
May 12- Renaissance Rally
May 14- Grizzlies' Field Trip
May 15- Grizzlies' Challenge
May 16 Grizzlies' (8th grade) Dance 
May 18- Promotion & Cubs + Bears Field Trips- Last Day of School
Baseball 3:00-4:30
Archery 5:00-7:00
Track Practice 3:00-4:30
Volleyball 3:00-4:30
Archery 5:00-7:00
Boys Basketball Banquet 6:00-7:00
Volleyball 3:00-4:30
Archery 5:00-8:00 
Track Practice 3:00-4:30
FCA 7:40 AM in Lab 17

Volleyball 3:00-4:30
Creative Club 3:00-4:30
Archery 5:00-7:00

Minute to Win It House Competition in the Morning

Which House is Winning This week?

Cubs House- All Stars-
Alyssa Thompson & Christian Sword
Bears House-All Stars-
Dustan Dowell & Kim Fox
Grizzlies House All Stars-
Emily Wilson, Baron McDonald
This wonderful group of students has been recognized for doing a fantastic job of living The Bruin Way- Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Here and Be Bold in Kindness, Courage and Excellent Work ethic!
Go Bruins! Well Done, keep up the Great Work!
Keep Being Amazing Bruin Nation!!!

As always we are always happy to help in any way we can. There are so many ways to keep up with what is going on at BMS.  BMS News Bytes is our weekly newsletter, please favorite this website blog. BMS Class Highlights is each teacher's snapshot about what's going on in class.  The school website has all forms, information, calendar updates and district information along with links to individual teacher websites which are extremely useful to both students and parents. It is important that you log into Parent Portal and choose the option to receive email and texts from the school.  Not only can you view your students grades, attendance and other information it is also a great communication tool to keep you connected.  Lastly, please follow us on social media including Facebook, Twitter and Remind. We also have @hentryclaytime  on Instagram to keep up with the antics of our school therapy dog. As you can see we want to make every effort to stay connected with families.  
Thank you again for providing us the opportunity to serve you and your student. 
#BernheimStrong Go Bruins!