Thursday, August 20, 2020

Back to School- In a Virtual World.

Dear Bernheim Community, 

We know you have questions and we hope we have some answers! Please keep reading! 
Back To School Information: 
Questions and Answers

When does school Start? 
School Starts Aug 26th! Students are to Log In to their Advisory Class at 8:40 am. 

When can I know my students schedule? 
Student schedules will be viewable on Infinite campus Aug 24 through Parent Portal.  (if your student's schedule is not viewable on August 24th please call the school for assistance with online registration).

What about Bullitt Cloud Students?
Bullitt Cloud Academy students, in a happy turn of events, DO get to have BMS teachers.  We have added another "HOUSE" to Bruin Nation.  We are calling it "Ursa Major" (Great Bear, or some have said 'Bear in the Sky') 

What is my student's day going to look like if they are in the Cloud? 
For the first weeks of school BMS students and BCA students will be following the same schedule.  

Each student will be assigned a "Den" within their grade level and that is the group of students they will go through the day with.   Below is what student schedules will look like depending on their Grade/House and "Den".  Once students can view their schedules they will know what Den they are assigned to based on the first period listed in Infinite Campus. 

Is my child expected to be on the computer all day? 
No, they are not.  There will be windows of time each day they will need to be in a "live" class with their teacher and peers. We are calling these sessions "live", you may also hear them called "synchronous learning" sessions. At other times they will be completing work as it is presented in Google Classroom.    When students are working on Google Classroom assignments and interacting with materials teachers have presented we are calling that "On Demand".  You may hear that type of learning called asynchronous learning.  We chose to use terms the students were familiar with, so think "Live" and "On Demand."  

When should my child "Log On", How will they know what to do?
As you can see from the schedules above each student has an Advisory Period.  Students should be logged into their Advisory Google Classroom at 8:40 am on August 26th.  Their advisory teacher is going to be their mentor teacher, check and connect, and general "go-to" teacher.  They are going to explain things to your student and help find their way through their virtual school experience.  Students will have an advisory teacher for the duration of the school year.  

Will my student have "live" classes every day with all of their teachers? 
Students will have "Live Class Sessions" with Math/ELA on Monday and Wednesdays and on Tuesday and Thursday Science, Social Studies and UA will have live sessions. Students will meet with their advisory group every day.  The sessions are short interactive live sessions between teacher and students.  Students will have Google Classroom assignments each day and it will be uploaded to their class according to the schedule above.  Teachers MAY be working with small groups of students during their assigned class period even if it isn't a whole class "live session day."  Friday is what we are calling Power Path Days.  Live sessions will be "as needed" for support.  There will not be new assignments uploaded into Google Classroom on Fridays.  It is a time to make sure students have completed and mastered content for the week and time to work on extension or recovery projects. 

Live Class (Synchronous Learning Schedule)  

What is a "Wellness Break"? 
Students will be given at least Four Wellness breaks a day.  Mr. Cravens, our Health and PE teacher, will be creating activities and sharing them with students throughout the day.  Students will be reflecting on these activities at the end of the week through advisory. 

How will I know what is going on at BMS or in my students Classes? 

We have multiple methods of communication with and for families.  
  • Make sure you have checked all the boxes in Parent Portal that allow notifications for information for Infinite Campus. 
  • Teachers Lesson Plans and Websites
  • BMS News Bytes- This Blog!
  • Class Highlights (linked at the top) Each teacher will update weekly with what is happening and going on! 
  • Emailing your student's teachers is a great way to get in touch with them. 
  • Teachers will be giving students and parents direct contact information when they contact your family in the next few days.  It will also be available in google classroom. 
  • Google Classroom is our platform. Guardians can receive summaries through Google Classroom.  Please follow the link for the "How to.." on getting that set up! (linked)
  • Facebook for schoolwide celebrations and news! 
  • Instagram
What is Your Path Time? 
We have built in time for students to work through class materials, work with small groups, complete projects and/or work on their own learning path which may include computer based programs such as MobyMax and Reading Plus. 

What if I have Chromebook Questions? 
If you have Chromebook repairs or questions please email Ms. Karla Elliott at  

What is the supply list for my student? 
For right now BCA and BMS students have the same supply list.  Once we return physically to school In Person learning students list will be modified.  But FOR NOW all students need:
  • Chromebook- Remember there is a yearly leasing fee of $35 
    • fees can be mailed in, paid on, or dropped off.  
  • Paper & Pencils
  • Markers/Colored Pencils or Crayons
  • Earbuds 
  • A space that they go to each day for "school" - this might be the kitchen table, a desk in their room, but a place they know they go to for school.  
That is all they need for now. 

We know this is a challenging Journey for everyone.  We hope to make this time as structured yet also flexible as it can be so that we can build community with students and families and be ready for when things turn around and we can have our students back in the building.  We are working very hard to make sure the transition is smooth and as safe as possible.  

Please reach out! My contact information is listed in my signature, please visit our school website (linked) for all contact information.  We want to support you through this time. 

Thank you for making Bernheim Middle School the place for families, students and staffulty to grow together!