Wednesday, August 26, 2020

First Day!

Dear Bernheim Community,

Thank you for making the first day a good one! We know there were a few technology hiccups but most were ironed out quickly.  Ms. Veatch, Ms. Dillman and Ms. Schweinhart are on password duty and are doing a great job.   

Almost all students were uploaded to the correct google classroom.  If for some reason when your student logged in and one of their google classrooms was missing,  please email their teacher and they will send a code.  Most students should automatically upload to the google classroom though so hopefully everyone will be in the correct classroom by tomorrow morning.  

These first few days we are doing "get to know you" activities and classroom community building. If you need anything at all please reach out to your student's teachers or any of us here in the office. We want to support and do what we can to make things manageable for all.  

Below is a simplified "First Week at a Glance"  The second image is a full "Week at a Glance." We include one more graphic showing the times of day that periods will take place for the purpose of "live" class sessions.  Please know that these times will not match infinite campus since infinite campus can only post the times for in person learning. We hope this helps clear up any confusion between the two.  Teachers will be posting all of this for their students in their google classrooms.  Please call the school and we will be happy to assist in any way we can! 

Individual teacher contact information is linked here.   

Technology information from BCPS for High School and Middle School learners. (linked) 

Thank you again, please reach out. 

Thank you for your patience as we get through this together! Please reach out and let us know how to support you.