Monday, August 9, 2021


 BMS Morning Car Rider Procedure 

Morning Car Riders: 

Welcome Back to School! Please note the following Morning Car Rider Procedures for the 21-22 school year. 

We have made some changes to the procedure this year. The biggest difference you will notice is that we will be forming a single line in the mornings if you arrive before 7:40. This is  to keep our students safe so that we do not have students crossing in between multiple cars. 

We will also be using our car rider entrance, which is the first door at the first sidewalk. 

If you arrive before or at 7:40 we will continue to have you drive to the second sidewalk (where car riders are picked up in the afternoon) so that buses are able to enter the front  parking lot. 

Please remember that students should not exit their car until 7:40 a.m. as the school is not open until that time. We appreciate your help in this matter as our number one goal is student  safety. 

Please note: After the initial wave of car riders we may wave you to the second sidewalk because there is a line of cars behind you that are backed onto the road. We will not  wave you on to the second sidewalk unless it is necessary due to cars being lined up behind you. If there are only 3-5 cars behind you, you may drop off your child at the first  sidewalk as you used to do.