Saturday, February 17, 2018

Be The Change

Dear BMS Community,

Because of the news and recent events students have been a bit anxious lately and we are doing everything to keep things rolling along normally and reassure them this is still a beautiful world, there is still a great deal of good in this world, and BMS is actively working to make the world an even better place.   We want to take some time to assure you that in light of those recent events we are being extremely proactive with student safety.  We have incorporated additional best practices for school safety as suggested by the National Council for School Safety.  We have informed students that we take any comments/information students make or share very seriously and we are making sure students understand there are some things you simply don’t say. We have also told them to find an adult and tell them if there is something that is alarming to them either on social media or any other information outlet. Please know your child’s safety and wellbeing is our number one priority.  We truly care about every Bruin here in Bruin Nation. 

As always thank you for entrusting us with your student.  We know they are precious, amazing young people and we will continue to do all we can to help them grow into successful citizens of the 21st Century.  If you have any questions please feel free to visit with Ms. Harrison or myself. 

Thank you and have a great night and enjoy your long weekend! 

Mrs. Stephens
BMS Principal