Dear Bernheim Community,
Student report cards went home this week along with the CASE scores. There is a letter explaining what they mean. Feel free to call the school with questions. If your student is still struggling with their grades please reach out to their teachers. We have multiple ways to help students be successful. BCA report cards and CASE scores are being be mailed home.
Supporting Students
At BMS students have access to Academic Success (ESS), Wonderful Wednesday Groups, and Recovery Programs, as well as the specific interventions each teacher has in place to support students. Contact Brea Breeze at to sign your student up for Academic Success. You may also call the school directly at (502) 869-4000 between the hours of 8:00-3:00 pm to inquire about Wonderful Wednesdays or any other recovery programs.
The goal is that each and every student is able to make academic gains this year and move on to the next grade level with their class. Please check Infinite Campus to see the progress of your student. If they are failing please reach out to their teachers so an intervention plan can be made or adjusted. In most cases , if a student is failing, students are simply not completing learning tasks even with multiple prompts, and direct help and support from their teachers. We know this is a challenging time and we want to support students and families in any way we can. The goal is for each and every student to be successful! Please let us know how we can help.
Bullitt Cloud Academy
Hailey Jump & Chad House
Gracie Barnes & Wesley Whitehead
Blake Wooldridge & Allison Herron
Ursa Major All Stars-
Onnika Johnson & Niv Patel
This wonderful group of students has been recognized for doing a great job of following the BRUIN WAY this week!